Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Girl Interrupted Review - 785 Words

One popular cultural myth about the mentally ill is the archetype of the Sexy Crazy Girl, which weve seen in movies, comic books, and music. Losing your grip with reality is not a glamorous subject, but thats not what you get from Girl, Interrupted. It is apparent that all the girls in the movie had some type of dysfunctional personality, and bad things happen to some of them, but it just did not seem realistic. First off, most of the patients prtrayed were young, which made the care facility look like a youth home rather than a mental institution. but only the main (well known) stars, (Jolie and Ryder) were focal piont. Ill also note that about half the young girls in the movie, Ryder and Jolie included, simply dont look like girls†¦show more content†¦It seems shes playing nearly the same sexy-vixen shes played in a few other films already; just this time, shes in a t-shirt, and occasionally gets tied to a bed. Itd be interesting to see Jolie really stretch beyond her typ e; maybe in a Jane Austen movie or playing a nun. Overall, Girl, Interrupted feels like a movie that couldve been rawer, more intense, and more confrontational... ie, a lot less Hollywood. I found myself wondering what this adaptation of Kaysens book wouldve been like if it had been done on a shoestring budget with unknown young actresses and a fledgling director. Some Folks Call it a Sling Blade, the short film by Billy Bob Thornton that led to the film Sling Blade came to mind. Im also noticing that thats the 2nd time I referenced another film that is primarily about men, not women. Maybe we need an excellent film about mentally ill young women, and maybe Girl, Interrupted couldve been that film... but it isnt. Quickly summed up, this film may indeed be compared to a female version of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, except where that film was a rebellion tale, Girl, Interrupted appears to be more about self-discovery. Though this film has been long in development, and many actresses vied for the leading role, the casting call was even more crowded for the supporting roles. In particular, though I havent yet read the book, and so I dont know theShow MoreRelatedEssay about girl interrupted review753 Words   |  4 Pages One popular cultural myth about the mentally ill is the archetype of the quot;Sexy Crazy Girlquot;, which weve seen in movies, comic books, and music. Losing your grip with reality is not a glamorous subject, but thats not what you get from Girl, Interrupted. It is apparent that all the girls in the movie had some type of dysfunctional personality, and bad things happen to some of them, but it just did not seem realistic. First off, most of the patients prtrayed were young, which made the careRead MoreMovie Review: Girl, Interrupted835 Words   |  4 PagesThe movie Girl, Interrupted is based on the book Girl, Interrupted, by Susanna Kaysen. 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